me---> <---me in my dreams




This web page is completely unofficial, unsupported, and not authorized by any person, or corporation. All reviews are done by me, and are completely subjective, and everyones opinions will vary on each course. With the plethora of courses that are now available, I thought a basic review would help those people to decide which courses to download. Some people do not want to have 200 courses in their library, or do not have cable (like me), and downloading is a very time consuming proposition. I have developed a ratings scale where a point value is placed for each catagory, and the total rating is the total of all these points added together. By doing it this way, I can show how I came up with the total score. I will not rate any of the standard courses from Microsoft, in the hopes of avoiding any potential legal conflict with them. These will all be courses built by regular people, with regular jobs, who are trying their hand with the new course designer.


I want to stress this again, everyones opinion on a course is different, these are only MY opinions, and those of my trusted reviewers. It is NEVER our intention to slight anyone in these reviews. We realize the amount of time spent to design and build a course can be monumental, and everyone who builds their course thinks its the greatest ever. But not everyone out there has 30gigs of free memory to store this many courses. It is also a major problem for some people to just download some courses. This site is only meant to give some info on each course that we have played, and our PERSONAL rating of it.


Explanation of the Ratings System


Course Rankings

 Upcoming Courses to be Reviewed




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